Our Mission

Brooklyn Animal Action is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to improving the lives of  animals in New York City.  We rescue and find homes for adoptable animals, facilitate Trap-Neuter-Release programs and perform community outreach and education. Since our founding in 2010, Brooklyn Animal Action has found homes for thousands of cats (and a few dogs) and TNR’d hundreds more. We believe in working together to create a better life for New York’s animals.

  • Foster FAQs & Forms

    Our volunteer fosters are invaluable because they are the main reason we can rescue animals. Some cats just need temporary housing and others may need a little extra socialization. Are you interesting in becoming a kitty hero?

  • Rehoming Animals

    If you have a cat you can’t keep, DON’T throw them onto the street—they won’t survive. Take the time to find a new home. It takes some patience, but it works, and it’s worth it! The same is true if you find a friendly cat on the street and would like to help.

  • Volunteer

    Brooklyn Animal Action is an all-volunteer organization. We depend on the energy and commitment of our volunteers, and there are many ways to get involved! Check out some of the ways you can help save animals in New York City.